Monday, September 19, 2011

If you want noise then bring the blog post

Oh yeah, another blog post for September. Why? Easy, I found out people actually read this.

I received several questions about how I keep this blog so fresh, creative, and edgy (I asked myself this multiple times, validating the previous statement). I let my job take care of that, as it stretches the boundaries of what my sleep depraved mind finds funny. I then multiply that by whatever weird song/pop-culture reference is in my head at the moment and out comes a fresh pile of creativity.

As for current activities, I'm back on the slope after a massive 4.5 days off. During that time I enjoyed watching OU beat Florida State, eating junk food, and participating in the Anchorage Pirate Pub Crawl. The pub crawl is just that, everyone dresses as a pirate and walks around to various pubs. There was some award at the end, but having an excuse to dress up as a pirate and run around hitting things with a plastic sword is rewarding enough.

Work time,

R-train out.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Work, work and work

Some of you have noticed that it has been nearly 3 months since the last update. Sorry about that, aside from an awesome family vacation, I've been working.

So far I've spent 7 of the past 8 weeks on the slope, with one week in town spent traveling or attending client meetings. When times like these occur, blogs must be put to the side for important things (like iPad games).

All is well, will write more soon.